Following a dispute over damage caused to his garage, the neighbor of Professor Smith visited her when she was mowing the lawn and punched her in the face and stole her lawnmower.
A) Which court will handle?
B) what arises from this assault and theft case?

Respuesta :


A.The Civil Court will handle the case between Professor Smithand her neighbor.the civil court handles cases concerning neighbor disputes, harassment and assault depending on the severity of the injuries caused.

B.If the accused person is found guilty of the crime committed against you, you may be able to claim compensation from them.

You can apply for a court order to make the offender:

compensate you for the injuries, pain and suffering that the crime has caused

return your stolen possessions

pay you for what any lost, damaged or sold property is worth.


Civil theft is a tort based on the intentional taking of another person’s property.

Larceny: The taking and carrying away of personal property of another with the intent to permanently deprive.