A breeder of turtles calls to inquire about giving ivermectin he bought at the feed store to one of his turtles. The veterinarian advises NOT to administer ivermectin, and despite this recommendation, the breeder does anyway. What would be expected in this turtle?

Respuesta :

The Turtle will die due to severe side effects of  ivermectin.


  • Ivermectin is used as an anti-parasitic drug that kills not all but many nematodes that are parasites.
  • Ivermectin is specially used to treat parasitic infection in ruminant gut,in some canines and in reptiles as very dilute sprays.
  • Researches have proved that ivermectin has severe side effects on some species of reptiles where it might cross the blood brain barrier causing hemorrhage and paralysis.
  • Turtle species are found to be highly succeptible to the side effects of ivermectin and its use among this group is highly contradindicated.