A member of the House of Representatives has introduced a bill to raise the minimum wage, but it has been in committee for 36 days and is unlikely to make it to the floor. Which of the following is the best course of action for the representative to take to get a vote on the bill?

Respuesta :


The answer is filing for a discharge petition.


A discharge petition is a means of bringing a bill out of committee and to the floor for consideration without a report from the committee by "discharging" the committee from further consideration of a bill or resolution. Discharge petitions are most often associated with the U.S. House of Representatives, though many state legislatures in the United States have similar procedures. Discharge petitions are used when the chair of a committee refuses to place a bill or resolution on the Committee's agenda: by never reporting a bill, the matter will never leave the committee, and the full House will not be able to consider it. TDischarge petitions are most often associated with the U.S. House of Representatives, though many state legislatures in the United States have similar procedures.