Answer: Unlike many other poems, there are not any specific rules relating to rhyme scheme, meter, etc. -An ode is a poem about only one specific thing such as an idea, object or person. -Ode poems use the same structure/pattern throughout. -Most odes have three stanzas composed of ten lines.
Ode poems are usually rhyming poems with an irregular meter, although rhyme is not required for a poem to be classified as an ode. They are broken into stanzas (the "paragraphs" of poetry) with 10 lines each, typically consisting of three to five stanzas in total.
Pick an ordinary place or thing.
1. Give your subject praise or thanks. (Oh, _____________!)
2. Speak directly to the object.
3. Use adjectives to describe it.
4. Use verbs to bring that object to life. (Personification)
5. Use repeated lines.