
Whenever people take a car in to Kelly Cars for service, they are asked to rate their satisfaction with the quality and timeliness of the repairs by completing an automated phone survey. This feedback is then used in the mechanic's performance appraisal. Which source of information is Kelly Cars using for its performance appraisals?

Respuesta :


Kelly Cars uses Customers and clients  as their source of information for its performance appraisals.


A "performance appraisal" is a standard audit of a representative's occupation execution and in general commitment to an organization. Also called a "yearly survey", "execution audit or assessment", or "representative examination", an exhibition evaluation assesses a worker's aptitudes, accomplishments, and development, or scarcity in that department.

Performance appraisal likewise helps representatives and their chiefs arrange worker improvement through extra preparing and expanded duties, just as to distinguish inadequacies the representative could work to determine.