Globaltech, a computer software company is in the process of eliminating hierarchy levels in the organization. Globaltech has carefully analyzed all of the positions in the company and strategically determined which positions to keep. It plans to protect its most talented people and help the others with special attention. Globaltech is beginning to ______________. a) develop a new information system b) complete its retirement plan c) downsize d) avoid cyclical hiring e) determine the right fit of the organizational goals.

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Globaltech is beginning to (c) Downsize


Downsizing is when organizations fire various workers simultaneously, regularly to set aside cash. Rather than the end for cause, scaling back is frequently without involving the concerns of the employee. Downsizing brings about cutbacks of representatives. Now and again, these are perpetual cutbacks; however, on different occasions, workers might be rehired after a rebuilding period.

Layoffs are regularly trailed by other rebuilding changes, for example, branch closings, departmental union, and different types of cutting compensation costs.