Divide the amount left by the percentage left:
they sold 35%, so there is 65% remaining.
280 / 0.65 = 430.769
Round to 431
Now check:
431 x 0.35 = 150.85
Round to 151
431 - 151 = 280 left.
They originally had 431 peaches.
Divide the amount left by the percentage left:
they sold 35%, so there is 65% remaining.
280 / 0.65 = 430.769
Round to 431
Now check:
431 x 0.35 = 150.85
Round to 151
431 - 151 = 280 left.
They originally had 431 peaches.
Step-by-step explanation:
give the other person brainliest im just copy and pasting it