Not all women supported
passage of the ERA. What
were some major reasons for
them not wanting a
guarantee of equal rights in
the constitution? Do you
think that these are valid
concerns today? Would you
like to see the ERA passed?​

Respuesta :


he Equal Rights Amendment is back on Capitol Hill - 36 years since its last hearing and nearly a century since the amendment to guarantee equal rights to women was first introduced in Congress.

On Tuesday lawmakers in the House Judiciary Committee's subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties heard from witnesses - including actor and women's rights advocate Patricia Arquette - about why, years on, the amendment is still worth considering.

Democratic Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney of New York in January again sponsored a resolution to restart the ratification process needed to add the amendment to the US constitution.

The provision would not change any laws, but seeks to formally give women the same citizenship status as men.

While 76% of constitutions around the world in some way guarantee women's equality, the US constitution, technically, does not
