Respuesta :
Mephistophilis describes Hell as a condition or state of being.
Mephistophilis is one of the characters that appear in Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe. He is a demon that warns Faustus about the consequences of rejecting God. Moreover, when Faustus asks Mephistophilis to describe Hell, he tells him that Hell is not a place like many people believe. In contrast, Hell is a condition or a state of being. Furthermore, he explains Faustus that Hell is in all the places where God is not. Therefore, Hell is equal to the absence of God.
The misery of being away from God after having known the joys of Heaven.
Christopher Marlowe's "The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus" revolves around the character of Dr. Faustus, a well known German scholar. Dissatisfied with the traditional knowledge that the world provides, he embarks on a deal with the devil, thus acquiring ways to know the wisdom beyond human capacity.
Mephistophilis was the servant of the Devil who helps Faustus and partakes in the deal and convincing him about the deal. He also facilitates whatever requests Faustus has, acting as an agent for the devil. When asked by Faustus how hell feels like, he remarks that hell is the misery of being away from God after knowing the joys of Heaven. He also added that Hell is everywhere and it is the dam ned who are forever cut away from God and his kingdom.