Daniel is going through something known as identity diffusion.
Identity is the essence of an individual in a way; it encompasses certain characteristics that make this person unique and different to others. One's identity tends to develop completely during his/her teenage years.
Identity diffusion occurs when a person has not yet formed his/her identity as a whole and has not yet "found" his/ herself as a unique person following a path.
Here are some main characteristics:
- The individual has not yet made any serious commitments. We can see this in Daniel as he does not have strong feelings about his study enrollment or his grades.
- They tend to be isolated. Daniel spends most of his time alone, either going online or shopping and tends to avoid social interactions, even getting mad at his parents and avoiding friends.
- The individual can seem as an underachiever who does not care much about certain things. Daniel enrolled in courses he thought were easy, not looking to perform well or try to leave his comfort zone.