The best correction of the error is the sentence Because the last train is leaving the station, it is definitely time to get on board.
A comma splice, also referred to as a comma fault, is a mistake made when a comma is used to connect two independent clauses without the use of a conjunction. The given sentence can be split into two independent clauses:
The best correction is the choice C) Because the last train is leaving the station, it is definitely time to get on board, because it is the only choice that has the same meaning as the original sentence. Because is a subordinating conjunction that shows a cause-and-effect relationship between a subordinate clause and the main clause. The subordinate (dependent) clause in the choice C is Because the last train is leaving the station. The train leaving is a cause of what is stated in the independent (main) clause: it is definitely time to get on board. Conjunctions used in other choices don't have this meaning.
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