The elastic constant of this tendon is 200.2875 N/m. It can stretch up to 67.4 cm without rupturing, approximately; at this point, the tendon stores 45.49 J.
From the Hooke's law in scalar form, [tex]F=kx.[/tex], we have
[tex] k = \frac{0.245 kg\times 9.81\frac{m}{s^2}}{0.012 m} = \mathbf{200.2875 \frac{N}{m}}. [/tex]
Now, the maximum strecht can be found from the same equation, by simply writing for [tex] x [/tex] and pluging in the maximun tension, i.e.,
[tex] x_{max} = \frac{F_{max}}{k} = \frac{135 N}{200.2875 \frac{N}{m}} \approx 0.674 m \approx \mathbf{67.4 cm} . [/tex]
The energy stored in this tendon, at this point, comes from
[tex] U = \frac{1}{2}kx_{max}^2 = \frac{1}{2}\times 200.2875 \frac{N}{m} \times \left(0.674 m\right)^2 \approx \mathbf{45.49 J}. [/tex]