
What do many people date as the start of the new woman movement in the United States in the mid 1960s

Respuesta :

It’s because most women’s rights groups started taking action in the 1960s.


May 9, 1960 The Food and Drug Administration approved the first oral contraceptive, commonly known as "the Pill," for sale as birth control in the United States.


During the 1960s, influenced and inspired by the Civil Rights Movement, women of all ages began to fight to secure a stronger role in American society.


Second-wave feminimism

** During the 1960s, influenced and inspired by the Civil Rights Movement, women of all ages began to fight to secure a stronger role in American society.

** As members of groups like the National Organization for Women (NOW) asserted their rights and strove for equality for themselves and others, they upended many accepted norms and set groundbreaking social and legal changes in motion.

** Title VII is the section of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that prohibited discrimination in employment on the basis of gender.