Help me with a story please

There was once a bat, the poor thing could do everything other bats could do but fly. He tried to hunt for bugs but he could not reach them so far in the air. He was watching the others flap around like birds. If he could fly he would do everything like the others. One night as all the other bats get up for breakfast the bat who could not fly started to climb up the tree that his nest was in. He was climbing and climbing until he reached the very top of the tree. The bat looked down and all the other bats and said "If they can do it, so can I!" He jumped from the very top of the tree! his wings started to unfold and he started to glide around with the other bats. He was very happy until he started to get tired after swooping around for so long. In the end he could fly after all but at first you need to take a leap of faith.