Cooper trains his boyfriend Patrick to avoid eating cake every day by squirting him with a water pistol every time he sees Patrick moving toward a cake. Eventually, Patrick avoids cakes altogether. In this example, identify the UCR, UCS, CS, and the CR.

Respuesta :


UCS-- Getting squirted going for cake

UCR-- Upset for getting squirted, go away

CS -- Wanting Cake

CR -- Avoid cake


An Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS) produces an Unconditioned Response, which is a natural response to a certain stimulus which has not been taught. So in this case, the initial Stimulus of squirting Patrick with a water gun when he goes for cake (UCS), produces a natural response from Patrick (UCR), which is probably of getting annoyed and going away. The Conditioned Stimulus (CS) happens when a Neutral Stimulus (NS) is associated with the Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS), in this case, the thought of getting wet when wanting cake becomes the Conditioned Stimulus (CS), producing a Conditioned Response (CR) of staying away from cake altogether to avoid getting squirted.

Universidad de Mexico