The given case is a Civil Matter case.
Civil cases often involve individuals or organizations such as companies, generally regarding disputes over money - or any species of capital. A case of civil matter usually begins when one person or business - the plaintiff -claims to have been prejudiced by the actions of another individual or organization - the defendant. The plaintiff then requests the court for deliverance by filing a complaint and starting a court case. The plaintiff may ask the court: 1. To award damages (money compensation); 2. For an injunction, to limit or require compulsory actions from the defendant; 3. To issue a declaratory judgment, in which the court determines the parties' rights under a contract or statute.
Eventually, to mitigate the case, the court - a judge or a jury - will determine the facts of the case and apply the appropriate legislation to it. Then, the court - or jury - will determine which legal consequences will occur given the parts' conducts.