Respuesta :
This program prompts for 3 score inputs and calculates the average score (of 3 Test scores) and repeats the process for 3 different students.
the programming language used is python
This is how the code should naturally look like:
student = 1
while student <= 3:
total = 0
for score in range(1, 4):
score = int(input("Enter test score: "))
total += score
average = total/3
print("Student ", student, "average: ", average)
student += 1
To explain further i.e line by line
student = 1
This indicates that the scores that the program will prompt you to enter belong to the first student
while student <= 3:
This is a continous loop that breaks only when the student number exceeds 3 (it lets you know that you're iterating over this program 3 times)
total = 0
this initializes the total score to zero. In python this is how variables are initialized an and assigned a data type especially when they will be used again within the program.
for score in range(1, 4):
score = int(input("Enter test score: "))
The FOR loop is another control structure within the code. It allows you to Iterate between the range 1 - 4 ( i.e. 1,2,3) and prompts you to enter a test score 3 times.
total += score
for each time you are prompted to add a test score, the score is added to the total.
average = total/3
This line calculates the average by dividing by 3
print("Student ", student, "average: ", average)
This line prints out the student number and average score.
e.g: Student 1, average: 14
student += 1
This adds 1 to the previous students number to iterate to the next student.
Final Note: This code can be used for taking students test scores and calculating their average and can be modified further to check if a student passed of failed.