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Questions related to social norms and deviant behavior. ... A group's definition of an act, and not the act itself, determines whether it would be considered deviant. What is considered normal in one society may be considered deviant in another. ... However, recently UNICEF has taken a “social norms” approach, engaging ...
A behavior is considered deviant when it is against the dominant norms of the society including formally enacted rules. For example Self murder is considered deviant because its against the norms to commit murder even of one's self without the order of the government. As long as the drugs are concern some some cases are deviant while some aren't. For example Alcoholism and underage drinking are socially deviant behavior where as Occasional and social drinking is not a problem. Similarly illegal drug use is socially deviant where as taking drugs prescribed by doctor is not problematic. These all are examples of everyday behaviors that we engage now in the U.S. which according to different time and place are considered different.