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Should Americans Have the Right to Freedom of Speech?

The right to free speech is one of the most cherished rights any civilian could have in the United States. But it was not until 1791 when freedom of speech was established in the First Amendment in the United States Constitution. There were many cases in the past involving individuals being punished for speaking their minds before the First Amendment was made. People in America do not necessarily have the right to free speech due to laws banning certain things we say that the government does not like to hear. Furthermore, Americans should have the right to speak freely to show their different points of view on things because everyone is an individual with a mind of their own.
One of the reasons freedom of speech is important is that it gives the rights of individuals to express how they feel. When there is an issue, people should have the right to protest about an issue that needs to be addressed. People should peacefully protest to get their point across about what is wrong and persuade people to help try to solve the problem. Others may say that speaking out does nothing to change problems, but I argue that most times it does change problems. For example, people protested to have same-sex marriage to be legalized in all of U.S. On June 26, 2015, the Supreme Court made the decision to legalize same-sex marriage. This was made possible through freedom of speech and can benefit a very important part of our constitution. Because of freedom being important, people in history changed our country for the better. For example, the historic “I Have a Dream Speech” that touched the lives of so many people. Because of having free speech, Martin Luther King was able to have a peaceful protest for Civil rights. His peaceful protest lead to ending segregation and leaving a positive change in the world. Freedom of speech gives the rights of individuals to show their views on issues that matter to them and being able to protest peacefully to make a change.
Secondly, being able to speak your mind makes you a unique individual and at the same time, you may find others who share the same views as you. In Cuba they do not have the right to free speech. This article states, “Freedoms we take for granted every day – opening a newspaper that isn’t censored by the government or listening to a radio channel that has the freedom to play whatever songs it chooses – are not enjoyed by the Cuban people” (Cuban Freedom of Speech Freedom of Speech for Cubans, 2014). This is explaining how Cubans in their everyday lives do not even get a chance to read a newspaper without the government’s control and censorship. People need to contribute to using free speech wisely. Oftentimes, people take their rights to free speech for granted or use it for the wrong reasons. Cuba’s government think it is right to take their free speech away so everyone will not have any negative views on the government. This is not right because everyone should get a chance to speak out, even if it is something you may not agree with. It does not give the right for Cuba’s government to silence their opinions because they did not like what they would hear.