Respuesta :
They are relieved that Grendel is dead and their trials are over now.
The Danish people were relieved that this wellknown warrior had come to help them kill Grendel. He killed the monster himself, without the help of any Danish warriors. The Danish were great fighters but the beast had been ravaging their people and their lands for too long.
They are relieved that Grendel is dead and their trials are over now.
The epic narrative story of "Beowulf" by an anonymous writer tells of the heroic deeds of the hero Beowulf, including his defeat of the monster Grendel and his mother. Grendel's terrorizing days of the Danish men was put to an end by Beowulf and then in later years, he also defeated the dragon who was also tormenting the people.
The given passage is from "Chapter 13: Grendel is Vanquished". It details the defeat of the monster Grendel, and the relief and happiness that the Danish people felt after Beowulf had helped vanquished Grendel. Their perspective on the war/fighting is that first, they felt relieved of being free from Grendel. They then realized/ rather believed that their trials are over, which will ensure peaceful living free of the terror during Grendel's presence.