Respuesta :


Puberty is defined as the period during which adolescents reach sexual maturity and become capable of reproduction.


Your body is maturing and developing. Your body is changing.


Puberty is when your body "matures" and turns into an "adult." It also means that both the girl and the boy are capable of sexual reproduction if they wanted.


For girls, they get their period, and hairs come start to grow in other areas, as well as breast development. Acne may result in puberty. Rapid growth usually happens right before the period starts to flow. Girls tend to "mature" from ages 8 - 14. This range is not guaranteed. Unlike guys, girls grow about 1 more inch in height after their period, but that is the last they will ever grow in their lifetime.

For guys, their voice gets deeper, they become more muscular, hair starts to grow in other areas, and their private parts start to grow. Acne may result in puberty. Rapid growth may also be a factor. Guys tend to "mature" from ages 10-16. This range is not guaranteed. Unlike girls, guys can keep growing until they graduate their first 4 years of college.

I hope this helps!