Commonlit-The Guilty Party-How does the author’s repetition of "the red-haired, unshaven, untidy man" contribute to the story’s central ideas?

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"The Guilty Party" is short story William Sydney Porter (pen name O. Henry).


The central idea of the story that author tries to present in the story was to bring to the light the role of responsibility of parents towards their children. Lizzie's father whom the author describe as "A red-haired, unshaven, untidy man.." is the figure that the author has pictured to reveal the traits of irresponsible parents. Lizzie's father is a self-indulgent and selfish person who does not spend time with her,

"Papa, won't you play a game of checkers with me if you aren't too tired?"

The red-haired, unshaven, untidy man sitting shoeless by the window answered, with a frown.

"Checkers. No, I won't. Can't a man who works hard all day have a little rest when he comes home? Why don't you go out and play with the other kids on the sidewalk?"

Because he did not spend time with his daughter, Lizzie, in her childhood, she face a bad fate in the end of the story.



The repetition of "the red-haired, unshaven, untidy man" in the story shows how the father is and his reaction and attitude towards his duty as a father. it also shows his unkempt and irresponsible nature towards his family.


The short story of "The Guilty Party" by O. Henry shows the description of the father as a "red-haired, unshaven, untidy man". And not only is this phrase mentioned once, the writer kept on repeating it again and again whenever referring to him. This repetition may have been symbolic or meant to emphasize the irresponsible nature of the father who never has time for his daughter Lizzie. She had to plead with him every time she wants to play with him but never succeeds. By the continuous repetition of the phrase, the author may be laying the focus of the story on Lizzie's father. It is also symbolic of the responsibilities of the parents in their children's lives. There is also some hint of putting the blame on him for the fate of Lizzie, who we know had a bad life in the end.