Complete this activity using your copy of Our Town. Wilder places three actors in the audience to ask the Stage Manager specific questions about the town. Recall two of these three characters and tell what their questions regarded.

Respuesta :

Answer and explanation:

There are indeed three characters in the play "Our Town" who are actors planted among the audience. Their role is to ask certain questions to another character on stage, Mr. Webb. This interaction takes place during the second part of Act I, when the town is being described to the audience.

The Stage Manager, a character who has the power to control time, to interrupt the play, and to become other characters, tells the audience they will receive more information about the town of Grover's Corners. One of the characters called to stage to speak is Mr. Webb, the editor of the local newspaper. The Stage Manager asks the audience if they have anything they would like to ask. The character named Woman in the Balcony asks, "Is there much drinking in Grover's Corner's?" Mr. Webb then proceeds to explain that there isn't much, although some farmhands meet and drink together on Saturdays. He also says the town has a couple of drunks, but they always feel remorse whenever an evangelist preaches to them.

Another character named Belligerent Man at Back of Auditorium asks, "Is there no one in town aware of social injustice and industrial inequality?"  When Mr. Webb replies the residents constantly talk about that, the Man asks, "Then why don't they do something about it?" Mr. Webb replies that the solution for those issues is quite difficult to find and that, while they can't figure it out, all they can do is help each other and those in need.

Note: The question asks us to recall two of these three characters. That's why I haven't mentioned the third one.


like the one above me says!


they did a great job of descrbing it.