Georgia has 12 different types of registration periods based on the first letter of the business name that will expire after 30 days in midnight.
The registration period are classified based on the month and the starting letter of business name as given below -
Business Name begins with Expiration Month
A or B for the month of January
C or D for the month of February
E, F, 4, 5, or 8 for the month of March
G or H for the month of April
I or J for the month of May
K or L for the month of June
M, N, or 9 for the month of July
O, P, or 1 for the month of August
Q or R for the month of September
S, T, 2, 3, 6, or 7 for the month of October
U, V, or W for the month of November
X, Y, Z or 0 for the month of December