Women of Adamant, fair neophytes— Who thirst for such instruction as we give, Attend, while I unfold a parable. The elephant is mightier than Man, Yet Man subdues him. Why? The elephant Is elephantine everywhere but here (tapping her forehead) And Man, whose brain is to the elephant’s As Woman’s brain to Man’s—(that’s rule of three),— Conquers the foolish giant of the woods, As Woman, in her turn, shall conquer Man. This excerpt is an example of blank verse. free verse. heroic couplet. common meter.

Respuesta :


This excerpt is an example of blank verse.


blank verse


In the theory of literature, the Blank Verses are those that do not have rhyme schemes, however they can present metrics, as can be seen in the excerpt above.

Blank verses are widely used in literature, especially in romantic, modern and contemporary poetry.

Note that the verse is the name given to a line of poetry, the set of which is called a stanza. The rhyme represents approximation of sounds between the words in a verse.