they know their term in office means an election is right around the corner.
As you already know, the US Federal Congress is divided into two chambers; The House of Representatives and the National Senate, both are part of the legislative power of the country and are extremely important for the kind of democracy we live. As you may also know the electoral college is also very important for democracy and has a key role in choosing the ruler. Members of the electoral college are called delegates and the number of delegates corresponding to each state is calculated in proportion to its population and the number of parliamentarians representing them (both in the House of Representatives and in the Senate).
As shown in the above question, a poll showed that voters prefer to have members of Congress voting as delegates. This information is more relevant to members of the House of Representatives than to the Senators, because in addition to the House of Representatives being a more popular chamber and more in popular opinion, members of the House of Representatives know that their mandate means that an election is coming.