Respuesta :
The correct answers are:
- después
- se ducha
- se cepilla
- por último
- las pantuflas
Each sentence mean:
-Marta gets up and then dress up.
después (then)
antes (before)
durante (while)
-Alfonso takes a shower in the gym.
se duerme (sleeps)
se ducha (take a shower)
se acuesta (lay down)
-Carla brushes her hair.
se maquilla (makes up)
se cepilla (brushes)
se despierta (wake up)
-In the morning I get up, take a shower and at last I dress up.
antes (before)
durante (while)
por último (at last)
-When I get out of the shower, I wear the slippers.
las pantuflas (the slippers)
el despertador (the alarm)
el jabón (the soap)