Respuesta :
My opinion? Yes.
It's interesting that you brought this up.
My dream job is to work at Disneyland, or at least wdw or another Disney park, such as dlParis or Tokyodl.
Why? Well, because of the customer service, and the way they train employees and actors/actresses- or "Cast Members" if you will.
Disney has become famous for just that; treating other cast members, not just visitors, with respect. When people are paranoid of getting arrested for flirting with a princess, or have lost jobs for picking their nose while portraying Prince Naveen, there are pretty good reasons, that make sense when you think about it.
In the end, it's not just because you're out of character and you're having too much fun; you're bothering the people around you, and making the experience less magical. In fact, even when saying something rude to a guest they don't like, they still need to stay respectful and in-character, so they say things such as "Have a Disney Day" (Anaheim) or "Have a Magical Day" (wdw).
With Disney, you could lose your job from being disrespectful.
It's not them trying to be rude or inconvenient, it's quite the opposite, actually.
If Aurora gets harassed by a visitor, or a child gets harassed by Pooh, they have people on-site (or "on-set") who are there to help.
Learning from Disney if not working there may be frustrating to deal with, but it helps encourage people to be the best person they can possibly be.
So, yes. offering quality customer service is in fact important.
Disney is a large company, that continues to be run to this day, for a reason.