The Greek myth "Daphne and Apollo—Getting What We Ask For or What We Deserve" reflects all of these themes and concerns of 21st century persons except _____.

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Factors that predict human achievements.


"Daphne and Apollo—Getting What We Ask For or What We Deserve" tells the story of how the myth regarding Apollo and Daphne came into being. Daphne had been a single, easy going, freedom loving woman while Apollo is a vain heroic person. On one instance, he had proudly boasted about his bravery and his heroic deeds, recounting his expertise in all fields. This vain nature of his made the younger Eros angry. So, he made a plan to let him suffer. Now, Eros is the god of love, having two arrows. One made of gold can make a person fall in love instantly with the first person he/ she meets while the arrow with lead will have an adverse effect, making him/ her hate the first person he/ she meets. So, as planned, Eros hit Apollo with the gold arrow in front of Daphne while the leaded arrow went to Daphne. Thus, the love of Daphne was instantly rebuked by her, all in one. The story/ passage includes all the themes and concerns of even the 21st century persons like the results of harmful communication, the lasting consequences of negative motivations and flaws that are characteristic of personal behavior but not factors that predict human achievements.

D. Factors that predict human achievements