If the people surrendered without too much trouble, then their province would be brought into the Empire on an equal basis with the other provinces. If the Romans had to lay siege and take a fortress, then they would sell the survivors into slavery or let them die an honorable death if they so chose. After conquest, the conquered people could keep their religion, their culture, their language … the main thing being that they obeyed Roman law and paid Roman taxes. Gradually, Latin would be spoken or Greek in the eastern part of the Empire, and many provinces adopted Roman ways, especially if they were barbaric before their conquest. Romania got its name by copying Roman ways when it became a province of the Roman Empire. Sometimes the provinces were over-taxed and revolted.
Allies were honored and supported with the power of Rome. Eventually, many allies came to be Romans or their land was incorporated in the Roman Empire. The Romans learned not to put too much trust in auxiliary troops from their allies, due to the loyalty issue.