To generate clean energy the mayor my build the fooling type of energy plants:
wind farms
solar power plants
wave power plants
At the seaside there are winds all over the year and that can be transformed in electrical energy by a wind turbine. The mayor can build a on-shore wind farm (reduced consts) and may also build off-shore wind farms (but these have an increased cost).
The second option is to build solar power plants. It will be cost effective if the people in the town will install solar panels on the building roofs. In this way you decrease the costs with the transportation of electrical energy.
The third option is to install wave power plants which harvest energy from the sea waves. It is a rather new technology, in comparison with the other two, but the initial consts can be amortized over time.
All three options will provide clean energy.
Right now nuclear plants have a very expensive initial costs and they may not be afforded by small towns.
Learn more about:
clean energy sources