Based on the speed, the questio the speed, the river, the speed of your boat relative to the water , and the distance across the river , deteroiine the downstream distance of your boat when it reaches the apposite shore of the river . The downsireom distance refers only to the distance the boat travelled in the K direchon while crossing the

Respuesta :


The velocity of a particle relative to S is equal to its velocity relative to S′ plus the velocity of S′ relative to S. We can extend Equation 4.35 to any number of reference frames. For particle P with velocities →vPA, →vPB, and →vPC in frames A, B, and C, →vPC=→vPA+→vAB+→vBC.


Resultant Velocity. Multiply the acceleration by the time the object is being accelerated. For example, if an object falls for 3 seconds, multiply 3 by 9.8 meters per second squared, which is the acceleration from gravity. The resultant velocity in this case is 29.4 meters per second.