#first section
a= float(input(" enter Numerator: " ))
b= float(input(" enter Divisor: "))
#second section
c = a//b
d = a%b
#third section
print(c, "is the quotient")
print(d, "is the remainder")
print ( c," remainder ",d)
In python (programming language) there are other ways to divide other than using the normal division "/".
we have floor division "// " and % modulo
now the program is divided into 3 sessions to make it easy for you to understand.
The first session - This is the input session, it prompts you to in put two values respectively, one for the Numerator and one for the divisor.
The second session - this is where the calculation happens, we carry out a floor division first and then a modulo division.
The third session - This is the Output session prints your answer to the screen, firstly it tells you which number is the quotient and which number is the remainder, after that it combines both the quotient and the remainder into one output