Cell Analogy
Managers, computer – Nucleus: Main control center of the cell, controls all the cellular activities like how the manager controls all the activities of a factory. Like the computer’s hard disk, the nucleus stores information in the form of genetic information
Manager’s Secretary: Nuclear membrane: Protective semi-permeable membrane surrounding the nucleus, protect the nuclear contents, and have pores that allow passage of materials from and to the nucleus of a cell and like how a secretary works for the manager.
Sugar processing department: Chloroplasts in plant cell: produces sugar or glucose from carbon dioxide and water in the presence of sunlight like how sugar is processed with raw materials.
Loading bay: Golgi apparatus - proteins synthesized in the nucleus is sorted and docked in the Golgi apparatus to be transported out like a loading bay where goods are stored, sorted, and transported
Electricity units: Mitochondria – power house of the cell which produces and supplies energy to the cell like how electrical energy is supplied through the electricity unit