Respuesta :
All the answers are in the explanation
10. The classes were all held in the morning. : The prepositional phrase. It's an adverb. It's an adverb of time.
11. Work began promptly at nine o’clock. The prepositional phrase. It's an adverb. It's an adverb of time.
12. The students found the illustrations of the problem interesting and helpful. The prepositional phrase. The italicized words change the illustrations: It's an adjective.
13. Teachers located materials on different topics. The prepositional phrase. It's a mode adverb.
14. Classes like these kept the students busy. The prepositional phrase. It's a mode adverb.
The he prepositional phrases are: 10. in the morning. 11. at nine o’clock.12.of the problem interesting and helpful. 13. on different topics 14. like these
Prepositional phrases are constructed with a preposition and an object of a preposition, to identify them you can look for the answer to the questions How?, When?, Where?, and Which one? these examples use as prepositions the words in, at, of. on and like, and they are followed by the object of the preposition.