A New Student at Grover High

At my last school, I'd seen new students come and go. Bullies were always picking on the new kids. New kids didn't have friends yet, so there was no one to stick up for them. Eventually they would learn to keep to themselves and lay low.
I never guessed that I would end up being a new student myself. But here I was, in a new town where no one knew anything about me. It was my first day of school at Grover High, and I wanted nothing more than to simply fade into the background. I didn't want to make a fool of myself. Most of all, I didn't want to get beat up.
My attempt at being invisible didn't work, however. Kids kept coming up to me and introducing themselves. When people looked up at me with grins on their faces, I figured I had food stuck in my teeth, or maybe there was something wrong with my clothes. But no one laughed. Mainly, they were just curious about where I was from, and what life had been like at my previous school.
Where were the bullies? I wondered. The kids were oddly well behaved. I wondered if the school building itself might have something to do with it. Whereas my last school had been overcrowded, making it difficult to be on time for class, here the hallways were roomy. There were no more than 15 or 20 kids in each class. I noticed they had new facilities, too. The computer room was huge, and all the computers were the latest models.
At the end of my first day, my art teacher did something that normally would have horrified me. She took my drawing of a mountain landscape and held it up in front of the class. She said it was a good example of three-dimensional perspective. I looked around and noticed that the other kids were actually impressed. They nodded at me respectfully and then returned to their drawings. I couldn't believe it. At that moment, a sense of calm came over me. I realized that Grover High was going to be unlike anything I'd ever experienced before.

Select all the correct answers.
How do the students at the new school surprise the narrator?

- The students make the narrator laugh.
- The students do not bully the narrator.
- The students are eager to introduce themselves.
- The students behave well at the school.
- The students make the narrator feel invisible.
- The students have no interest in the narrator.
The students show courtesy towards the narrator.

Respuesta :


they do not bully the narrator

they behave well at the school

the students show courtesy towards the narrator



they do not bully the narrator

they behave well at the school

the students show courtesy towards the narrator

the students are eager to introduce themselves
