
In a nuclear reactor, neutrons released by nuclear fission must be slowed down before they can trigger additional reactions in other nuclei. To see what sort of material is most is most effective in slowing (or moderating) a neutron, calculate the ratio of a neutron's final kinetic energy to its initial kinetic energy for a head-on elastic collision with each of the following stationary target particle; (Note: the mass of a neutron is m = 1.009 u, where the atomic mass unit 1 u = 1.66*10^-27 kg)
(a) An electron (M = 5.49*10^-4 u)
(b) A proton (M = 1.007u)
(c) The nucleus of a lead atom (M = 207.2 u)
2. Based on your calculations in part 1, which material is the best moderator for neutrons?

Respuesta :


For the colliding neutron of mass m1,

Vf = Vi * (m1 - m2)/(m1 + m2)

m2 is the mass of the particle it collides with.

The largest mass loss will be in collisions with protons.


neutron of mass m1,

Vf = Vi * (m1 - m2)/(m1 + m2)

m2 is the mass of the particle it collides with.

will be in collisions with protons.
