Respuesta :
Answer: One day, a 10 year old boy named Billy moved to town with his mom and dad, and his two older sisters. Coming into this new town, Billy was the new kid at school and nobody knew anything about him or why he moved. Little Billy was always quiet and he never spoke to anyone. He would walk through the halls of the school with his head slightly hanging down and his dark, greasy brown hair covering his face so no one ever knew what he looked like. This one 13-year old boy named Dalton bullied Billy so bad that day. After the first day of school, Billy followed Dalton to the back of the school -which is the path Dalton takes to walk home- and Billy grabbed Dalton from behind, and threw him against the wall then onto the ground, and smashed his face in with a solid, red brick until his eyes were completely popped out of his head and his brain was scattered all over. After a teacher witnessed what had just happened, she called 911 an the police ran after Billy. Down at the police station, analysts did research on little Billy and discovered that a similar past experience had happened, but he had only hit a boy in the head with a metal baseball bat. Billy was diagnosed with a Psychopathic mental disorder and was kept in locked in a mental hospital for 10 years.