C++ code is writtern below with explanation in comments
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
//declare all the required fields in double format
double mealCost =88.67;
double taxPercenatage=6.75;
double tipPercentage=20;
// displaying the original Meal Cost
cout<< "Meal Cost: "<<mealCost<<endl;
// get the total tax percentage from meal cost
double totalTax= taxPercenatage /100 * mealCost;
// display the tax amount
cout<< "Tax Amount: "<<totalTax<<endl;
// getting tip amount from meal cost and tax amount.
double totalTip = tipPercentage/100 * (mealCost+totalTax);
//displaying tip amount
cout<< "Tip Amount: "<<totalTip<<endl;
// now adding all three values and get total amount that customer
// has to pay
double totalAmount = mealCost+totalTax+totalTip;
//Displaying total amount
cout<< "Total Bill: "<<totalAmount<<endl;
return 0;
Meal Cost: 88.67
Tax Amount: 5.98523
Tip Amount: 18.931
Total Bill: 113.586