Respuesta :
I am a priest who cares deeply about the Church. I have been called here to explain my views on indulgences and other proposed reforms. I would like to explain why my views are consistent with the Bible and are correct.
I am a priest who cares deeply about the Church. I have been called here to explain my views on indulgences and other proposed reforms. I would like to explain why my views are consistent with the Bible and are correct. I found this online. Gosh, I hope this is helpful to you.
His majesty, I am Martin Luther, a German monk interested in the best affairs of the church.
> I have been summoned by your majesty to address some controversial issues that have created my document titled "95 Thesis."
> In my document I severely express a critic against the way the Catholic church has damaged our pristine doctrine.
> I consider that the selling of indulgences is not morally correct and is against the principles and teachings of Christianity.
Those would be the main ideas to be included in my paragraph.
As additional information we can add the following:
> The ideas of Martin Luther initiated Reformation in the Church.
> Martin Luther (1483-1546) was a German Theologian that was the most important figure in the Protestant Reformation of the Church.
We can conclude that the ideas expressed by Martin Luther in "95 Thesis" changed Christianity and led to the separation of the Catholic Church. This was also known as the great division of the Church in the Middle Ages.
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