“The Ambitious Guest” - BOOK

- Claim/Topic Sentence: (Define the literary term.)

Imagery is ......???

- Quoted Example/Evidence from “The Ambitious Guest”:

An example of imagery in the story is in the line “..........”???

- Analysis: How did this impact story? Explain in your own words. (3-4 sentences)



Respuesta :


I did this portfolio not too long ago. It will take some time to complete but trust me it is not very hard :) For your first question - Imagery is basically just figurative language. It includes metaphors, similes, personification, etc. (which you will be asked to define later in the portfolio). So you can chose any line in the story that shows figurative language of some sort. Then you need to say how this impacted the story (ask yourself what it added, the significance it had, or how the story would be different without it). You can repeat that same answer format for each slide. Hope this helps!


- Imagery is the use of figurative language to give a clearer idea about something or to embellish the literary production.

-  An example of imagery in the story is in the line"...the eldest daughter was the image of Happiness at  seventeen; and the aged grandmother, who sat knitting in the warmest place, was the image  of Happiness grown old." (Metaphor)

- Impact in the story

  • First of all, these sentences let the reader have an idea about the contrast the author wants to make between the old women and the girl.
  • Then the comparison reveals a common feeling between them which is happiness that is not the same because of the ages, but it is a great feeling in the end.
  • Finally, knowing how are the girl and her grandmother make it easier to understand their decisions and their reactions along the story.


The figurative language is used to express different aspects of life in a more perceptible way, so it is easier for the reader to connect with the purpose of the author. This language does not provide a literal meaning of the situation but is meaningful to the reader's imagination.

Metaphor is used to express comparison which is not literal but is easy to understand just by associating one aspect to another. For instance, the author compares the girl and the grandmother faces with Happiness. We do not know what the face of happiness but we have been happy sometimes, so we can imagine.