the worlds religions and ideologies are vital ingredients in the varied story of human civilizations and humankind’s experiments with living.
A. true. B. false

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A totemic relationship may result in a religious taboo.
A. True B. False

Respuesta :


1. Yes

2. Yes


  • It is true that the world religions and ideologies are vital ingredients in the story of human civilizations. Most of the time, a group's religion and ideology is a reflection of their culture at large. By studying these, we are able to learn more about civilization and its development, as well as about the qualities that make us all human.
  • Totemism is a system of belief in which humans are said to have a mystical relationship (often one of kin) with a spirit being. This entity generally serves as the group's symbol. In certain social groups, a totemic relationship may result in a religious taboo.

A totemic relationship may result in a religious taboo.

A. True B. False ( True)

the worlds religions and ideologies are vital ingredients in the varied story of human civilizations and humankind’s experiments with living.

A. true. B. false ( True)