Kristin weighs three kittens at a vet's clinic. The heaviest one weighs 3.28 pounds. The heaviest kitten is 1.056 pounds heavier than the medium-weight one. The lightest kitten is 1.2 pounds lighter than the medium-weight kitten. What is the total weight of the kittens?

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Step-by-step explanation:

you will talk 1.056 and subtract it from 3.28 to get the weight of the medium one. which would be 2.224. then you would add them all up. 3.28 + 2.224 + 1.2 and it will get you 6.704


Total weight of all kittens = 6.528 pounds

Step-by-step explanation:

If there are 3 kittens, kitten (1), kitten (2), kitten(3).

kitten (1) is the heaviest.

kitten (2) is the medium weight.

kitten (3) is the lightest.

Weight kitten (1) = 3.28 pounds

Weight of kitten (1) - weight of kitten (2) = 1.056 pounds

3.28 - weight of kitten (2) = 1.056

Weight of kitten (2) = 3.28 - 1.056 = 2.224 pounds

Weight of kitten (2) - weight of kitten (3) = 1.2 pounds

2.224 - weight of kitten (3) = 1.2

weight of kitten (3) = 2.224 - 1.2 = 1.024 pounds

Total weight of all kittens = 3.28 + 2.224 + 1.024 = 6.528 pounds.