Place the events in the order they occur between the mid-ocean ridge and deep-ocean trench:

1. oceanic crust recycled into mantle

2. oceanic crust scraped off the plate to form an accretionary wedge

3. sediment accumulates on oceanic crust

4. oceanic crust created

Respuesta :


The order will be -

4 - 3 - 2 - 1


Event from formation of mid oceanic ridge to deep ocean trench as follows  -

First the Oceanic crust is created from the magma coming below followed by accumulation of sediment takes place on the oceanic crust and then due to plate convergence the denser oceanic plate subducts below less dense plate and during this process the override plate scraps the material from the down one and forms accretionary prism and the material which goes down into mantle again recycled into mantle .

Hence , the sequence will be 4 -3-2-1 .