What did Constantine do that helped spread Christianity?

A. appointed the bishop of Rome as the new pope

b. made Christianity a legally recognized faith

c. outlawed polytheistic religions in the empire

d. established an official theology for the new faith

Respuesta :

answer:the answer is B


The correct answer is b: Constantine I made Christianity a legally recognized faith.


Constantine I was born in what is nowadays Serbia, circa 280. He became Roman Emperor in 324 and was the first emperor who would adhere to Christianity, after a vision he had had while looking at the sky in the battle of Milvian Bridge (312) - this vision was, for him, a victory promise, so he had his soldiers' shields painted with the first two letters of Christ's name.

That was what led him to issue the Edict of Milan in 313 - Christianity's status was raised and legalized - Christians then could worship God all around the Empire. Despite this fact, he didn't convert to Christianity all of a sudden, but he was a patron for the Church, and became a Christian later in 337, on his deathbed.