Calculate the daily aluminum production of a 150,000 [A] aluminum cell that operates at a faradaic efficiency of 89%. The cell reaction is 2Al2O3 + 3C → 4A1 + 3CO2

Respuesta :


It is known that in one day there are 24 hours. Hence, number of seconds in 24 hours are as follows.

                             [tex]24 \times 3600 sec[/tex]

Hence, total charge passed daily is calculated as follows.

                      [tex]150,000 \times 24 \times 3600 sec[/tex]

And, number of Faraday of charge is as follows.

                    [tex]\frac{150,000 \times 24 \times 3600 sec}{96500}[/tex]

                     = 134300.52 F

The oxidation state of aluminium in [tex]Al_{2}O_{3}[/tex] is +3.

                       [tex]Al^{3+} + 3e^{-} \rightarrow Al(s)[/tex]

So, if we have to produce 1 mole of Al(s) we need 3 Faraday of charge.

Therefore, from 134300.52 F the moles of Al obtained with 89% efficiency is calculated as follows.

                [tex]\frac{134300.52 F}{3} \times \frac{89}{100}[/tex]

                   = 39842.487 mol

or,               = [tex]3.9842 \times 10^{4} mol[/tex]

Molar mass of Al = 27 g/mol

Therefore, mass in gram will be calculated as follows.

            Mass in grams = [tex]3.9842 \times 10^{4} mol \times 27[/tex]

                                     = [tex]107.57 \times 10^{4} g[/tex]

                                     = 1075.7 kg/day

Thus, we can conclude that the daily aluminum production of given aluminium is 1075.7 kg/day.