How many 2 topping pizzas are possible at Padre Juan's Pizza if there are 12 toppings to choose from and the order in which you put the toppings on the pizza does not matter?
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Step-by-step explanation:

You have 12 options to choose from when you start; after you've chosen your first topping, you'll have 11 options for your second topping. Since you have 11 possible options for toppings for each of the initial 12 choices, you have a total of 12 x 11 = 132 ways of choosing two toppings. To account for the fact that order doesn't matter, we can divide that number by 2, since every combination will show up exactly one more time in reverse order (If we get pepperoni first and pineapple second, for instance, we'll end up with the same toppings as if we'd picked pineapple first and pepperoni second (I have no idea why you'd put pineapple on pizza, though))

At any rate, dividing by two gives us a total topping choice number of 132 / 2 = 66.

*100% Correct answers

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