Delta Cephei is one of the most visible stars in the night sky. Its brightness has periods of 5.4 days, the average brightness is 4.0 and its brightness varies by ±0.35. Find a formula that models the brightness, b, of Delta Cephei as a function of time, t, with t=0 at peak brightness.

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[tex]y=0.35cos(\frac{2\pi }{5.4 days}x)+4.0[/tex]


Since we have peak brightness at t=0 we should use a cosine formula to model this oscillatory phenomena, which will be [tex]y=Acos(kx)+B[/tex]. The average of this formula is B, since the cosine part cancels out when averaging, so B=4.0. The brightness variation is the amplitude of the formula, A=0.35, and since [tex]k=\frac{2\pi }{T}[/tex] we finally have [tex]y=0.35cos(\frac{2\pi }{5.4 days}x)+4.0[/tex]