What do Victor and Walton have in common in Frankenstein?
A. They are both guilty of pursuing discovery for personal glory.
B. They are both suffering from a broken heart.
C. They are both types of governmental officials.
D. They are both consumed with proving their worth to their families.

Respuesta :


Victor Frankenstein and Robert Walton are similar in terms of their ambition, but Walton is able to learn from Frankenstein's story and does not make a potentially catastrophic mistake, as Victor has.



Correct option A. They are both guilty of pursuing discovery for personal glory.


Both men crave glory, they both want to make great contribution to the humankind ir order to be remembered forever, they want to people to recall them as heroes who were able to achieve something that no one ever had before.

Both men were similar for sure, but at the end the seeking for knowledge and glory destroy Victor, and Walton was smart enough not to commit the same mistake and not to allow his crave drives him to a sad fate.