Healthier, more educated workers tend to be more productive. Greater overall productivity per hour worked is a fundamental component of​ long-term economic growth.​ However, many very successful individuals often find few opportunities in their own developing​ countries, and leave them for industrial countries. By improving health and​ education, developing countries can generate economic​ growth, and increase incomes. This will help combat the prevalence of educated people leaving their home countries for opportunities elsewhere. That​ is, it will combat
A. political reform.
B. communism.
C. the brain drain.
D. corruption.

Respuesta :


The correct option is (C)


Brain drain is the term referred to mass movement of competent human capital from developing countries to developed countries for better opportunities.

Following are the reasons for brain drain in developing countries:

  • Lesser employment opportunity
  • Poor economic conditions
  • Illiteracy and poor health facilities
  • Low standard of living

Educated and competent human capital, therefore, move to developed countries for better living conditions.

By improving health and economic conditions, developing countries can combat the problem of brain drain.